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Balance for the Body


What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is considered a form of manual therapy which uses a holistic approach and understanding that the body is one whole unit and that the root cause of an issue can be far off from the pain or effects felt from it. OMT (Osteopathic Manual Therapy) strives to bring the patient back into a state of homeostasis by restoring the function of the different systems of the body. 

The word Osteopathy was used from the ancient Greek words osteon = bone and pathos = suffering and is supposed to communicate the theory that disease and dysfunction are grounded in a dysfunctional musculoskeletal system. Ever since A.T. Still founded the first ever University for Osteopathy in Kirksville, Missouri, Osteopathy has gained momentum and a great following. It as brought out amazing therapists that all have started their own path of research and have added ever since to the general knowledge of the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner.

The fields of Cranial-Sacral (Sutherland, Upledger), Visceral (Barral), Fascia (Dr. Rolf) and Biodynamic have been added and are getting still furtherly explored.


Every treatment will start with a full history intake and a thorough physical assessment to develop a plan for treatment. Depending on the findings and the areas which need intervention, every session can look completely different and is always unique. Some of the different approaches come from the areas of Cranio-Sacral, Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation, Muscle Energy, Strain/Counterstrain, Manual Lymphatic Therapy and Joint Mobilization.

What to bring

Comfortable, unrestrictive clothing is advised that it won’t interfere with the treatment. If imaging and other health reports are available, please bring these with you. 


The Craniosacral rhythm can be detected throughout the body and can be influenced through soft touch. The goal is to relieve tension and re-establish homeostasis in the CNS the central nervous system, the fluids and membranes connected with it. 

Muscle Energy

A manual therapy technique that’s widely used by many different therapists where the patient's muscles are actively used on request, from a precisely controlled position, in a specific direction, and against a distinctly executed practitioner counterforce. It can be used as an assessment tool but mostly as a treatment technique.

Strain/ Counterstrain

Accurate palpation of tenderpoints (TP) found in muscle, tendons and ligaments are used to identify and relate to musculoskeletal dysfunction. Through correct identification the patient will be brought into a position of comfort while the therapist monitors the TP. The position will be held for a timeframe of 90sec and a passive release of the position held. A reduction of symptoms in the palpation of the tenderpoint in the retest show the success of the technique instantly. There are over 200 TP’s charted so far in the human body.

Myofascial Release is a soft tissue technique used for treating immobility, adhesions and restrictions of the musculoskeletal body and releasing pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles.


Biodynamic osteopathy observes interchanges between structural dynamic organization and metabolic activities allowing vitality to express. This method recognizes the internal self-correction principles, of guiding, restoring and maintaining somato-emotional integrity of self. It’s an artful way of using anatomy and physiology to invite people to thrive in their own being. 

Manual Lymphatic Drainage relieves swelling that happens when medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage is hands on and uses very gentle massage-like movements while gently manipulating specific areas of your body to help lymph move to an area with working lymph vessels and lymph nodes. Lymphatic drainage enhances the immune system and overall health of the whole system. 

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

visceral manipulation

Visceral manipulation is a gentle manual therapy concerned with mobility restrictions of the abdominal organs (viscera) and the surrounding network of the connective tissue (fascias, omenta, mesentery, etc).

Modern visceral manipulation has been conceptualized by French physiotherapist and osteopath Jean Pierre Barral. It is based on thorough knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and interrelations among different body parts and systems. 

Myofascial Release





Stephanie is deeply committed to healing by considering and treating the whole system. She strives for excellence in providing integrative manual therapy for Humans and Equines alike. Stephanie started her bodywork journey with her Degree in Physiotherapy in 2003 in Germany and added her equine osteopathic manual Practitioner in 2013. After that she moved fulltime to Canada.  In 2018 she felt inspired to take her professional education to the next level and enrolled in the post grad program for Human Osteopathy at the Canadian School of Osteopathy in Vancouver, BC. In 2024 she received her Diploma as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. 

Stephanie lives in Kamloops, where she has established a successful practise for manual therapy on Victoria Street. She is mom to a wonderful daughter and fur family. 



Human Bodywork

All osteopathic sessions start with a thorough assessment and from there the following treatment will be tailored toward the individual, to find and treat the root cause of the problem.

Treatments will targeted but won't be limited, towards pain, old or new injuries, chronic illness and more. 


Initial session is 90 min to offer enough time for a thorough assessment plus treatment. After that the regular duration of one session is usually 60Min but can be booked for longer if needed.




Yours truly, Tilly ❤☺

"Steph has been one of the most important missing pieces to my journey in helping my body find equilibrium of harmony, functionality and health. Something that I struggled with my entire life that resulted in several abdominal surgeries, sacrificed organs and years of bed rest and mounds of western medicine to just keep me comfortable. She was able to respect my subconscious body boundaries but knew when to apply treatment lightly, or when we could challenge weak areas. She has also been able to help me rehabilitate a shoulder dislocation that hasn't been easy navigation while trying to start a business as a equine bodywork therapist.

Her professionalism, grace, kindness and sensitivity make her an exceptional therapist that continuously inspires/encourages me to learn, grow and succeed."

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